1. Runa’s bottles and energy drinks
Runa is a delicious, stimulating drink made from Guayusa leaves that are grown in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. A cousin of Yerba Mate, it's very caffeinated and is engrained in the Ecuadorian culture and history as an aid in recounting dreams and helping night hunters stay focused.
It has a slightly sweet, clean taste that is both enjoyable and refreshing to drink. I suggest that you sip this one slowly, because the Guayusa provides a big boost of energy that could have you feeling very energized. The great thing is, there are no accompanying coffee aches or pains. This is a perfect drink for anyone who's normally sensitive to coffee.
The Guayusa leaf is very high in antioxidants and aids in cardiovascular health, weight management, and reducing high blood pressure. Runa is fair trade, organic, and non-gmo. Their drinks come in several flavors and packages; my two favorites being the bottled drink and the energy drink. I highly recommend you try this brand as well as check out their website here. Their story is impressive and their brand has a great impact on the environment and local communities.
2. Sambazon’s Berry Energy Drink
Sambazon is dedicated to organic, fair trade and gmo-free ingredients and has a triple bottom line business model that supports the Brazilian Amazon and the farmers. Sambazon has many great products centered around Acai that include frozen packets, sorbets, drinks to mix into smoothies, and delicious grab and go juices. You can check out all of their great products here. Their berry energy drink has a light berry flavor derived from the acai berry and acerola cherry. The caffeine, however, comes from guaraná, yerba mate, and green tea.
Guaraná comes from a seed from a tree that is native to the Amazon Rainforest. The seed is highly caffeinated, even several times more caffeinated than a coffee bean. It's used widely in Brazil in many drinks and provides clean, stimulating energy.
Yerba Mate is made from steeping dry leaves from the holly tree, which grows in the South American rainforest, in hot water like a tea. This drink is popular across South America, however, most notably in Uruguay where it has become a seamless part of their culture. It's as caffeinated as a cup of coffee and has the benefits of a tea.
Overall, Sambazon’s berry energy drink has a relatively low caffeine level and a slightly sweet, carbonated taste. This is great for consistent clean energy in form of a small boost.
3.Steaz Berry Energy Drink
Steaz is a company that also has a triple bottom line business model that boasts all natural, USDA certified organic and fair trade certified products. They are big on providing a better alternative product, “that's ‘good for the mind, body and soul.’ (Steaz)”
Steaz's energy drink has an incredibly sweat taste, so this'll definitely satisfy any sweet tooth you might have while providing a good boost of energy. Their flavor and clean energy is derived from guaraná berries, yerba mate, and green tea. Most importantly, it's all done sustainably and with the highest quality possible. Steaz’s berry energy drink provides a slightly higher energy boost, but not as high as Runa. The best thing to do is sip this one and really enjoy the sweet candy taste. You can check out their website while you sip here.
(Plus) Non-energy drink energy boosters:
Simple Carbs and fresh fruit like bananas, apples, and oranges are great energy boosters. Healthy simple carbs provide quick energy because it takes the body less time to break the food down. Simple Carbs are for energy now and can result in a quicker crash if not supported by a healthy diet. If you find yourself unfocused and you need quick energy, go ahead and grab a banana or one of these clean energy drinks.
You can find these drinks at your local health food store like Chico’s S&S Produce and Chico Natural Foods Co-op.
1. Runa: www.runa.org.
2. Sambazon: http://sambazon.com/product/amazon-energy-original/
3. Steaz: http://www.steaz.com/energy-berry/
Tenha un Bom Apetite. Osss